android course in sri lanka
Android Course
android course in sri lanka
android course in sri lanka
Smartphones have revolutionised the way we create and consume information. Today there are apps for everything, from learning programming to searching for recipes and playing games.
In addition, an increasingly large number of people around the world are using smartphones as their first computing device, and as a gateway to healthcare and banking services which weren’t available to them otherwise. Android holds nearly an 85% market share of the smartphone market.
Android has also made its way into various forms of hardware, from microwaves, washing machines, smart homes and even quad-copters. With over 1 billion Android devices already activated, Android is defining the future of ubiquitous computing and shaping the way we interact with the world around us.
The development tools are free, all the documentation is online, and you don't need to purchase a special developer phone or register your hardware as a development device. In fact, thanks to the very slick and functional emulator that comes with the Android SDK, you don't even have to own an Android-powered device.
Course Syllabus
android course in sri lanka
Java Basics
- Java Fundamentals
- OOP Concepts
- Java Collections
- Exception Handling
- Java Threads
Android Introduction
- Version History
- Platform Architecture
- Dalvik Virtual Machine
- Android Runtime(ART)
- Android Studio Overview
- Android Virtual Device (AVD)
- Logging system
- Project File Structure
- USB Debugging
- SDK Manager
- Build System (Gradle Build)
- Google Play Store
Android Fundamentals
- Android Activity
- Android Intents
- User Interface
- Layout Management
- Device Compatibility
- App Resources
- App Manifest
- System Permissions
- Runtime Permissions
- Input Controls
- Event Handling
- Notification
- Activity Life cycle
- Support Library
HTTP Connectivity
- Internet Connection
- Android WebView
- Asynchronous Processing
- JSON Parsing
- Rest API Access
- Get
- Post
- Put
- Delete
Google Services
- Google Play Service
- Accessing Google APIs
- Location API
- GPS Tracking
- Google Map API
- Firebase Push Notification
- Recycler View
- Background Services
- Broadcast Receivers
- Content Providers
- Shared Preferences
- SQLite Database
- Room Persistence Library
- Database Migration
- Call & SMS Manager
- Camera Overview
- Audio & Video Overview
- Multi Module Project
- App Release Process
- Build Variants
- Best Practices
Course Fee : 36,000/=
Duration : 3 Months
- 36 Lecture Hours(3 h per week)
- 12 Practicals
- 3 Projects
Address: No:237/A/1/1 Highlevel Road, Maharagama
Skype: wisdom_academy
YouTube: Wisdom Academy of IT
FB Pages: Java Course
Wisdom Academy of Information Technology